Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How a feast day can be a promoter for a specific food consumption pattern

San Juan Pueblo Feast Day is a day to honor St. John the Baptist. This is a strong tradition in Bolivia. Normally it falls the 23 of June and is celebrated in many countries as Midsummer Day. Strangely enough this date in Bolivia is equivalent to eating Hot-dogs with your family and friends. This is the peak season for all producers of sausages.
John was the cousin of Jesus and born in their old age to Zechariah and Elizabeth, a kinswoman of the Virgin Mary. Many hot dog historians suggest that today's hot dog on a bun was introduced during the St. Louis "Louisiana Purchase Exposition" in 1904 by Bavarian concessionaire, Anton Feuchtwanger. The Hot-dog tradition is therefore not a tradition that can be traced back to St. John the Baptist.
It is an interesting case of how a specific food pattern can be linked to a special occasion as for instance chocolate at mother’s day and alcoholic beverages for fathers day. 
All retailers and sales channels are promoting this feast day heavily with add on sales – Sausages-buns, ketchup etc… 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pallets in the main entrance of the supermarket

A good way to use the space is to place pallets or displays at the entrance corridor. The risk with this case is that consumers tend not to go back to the corridor when they have first entered the supermarket. It is therefore important that producers also have the same products on the shelf inside the supermarket. For spot offers this is an ideal opportunity to generate volume.

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Location:Rema Hillerød

Monday, May 30, 2011

Products that are not placed at the front of the shelf hinders sales

As the the given shelf shows, products are very difficult to find if not placed correctly.

Therefore always trim your shelfs or you will loose sales. Costumers will normally use 3-5 seconds in a purchase decision, therefore it is extremely important that your product is easily found!

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

When a product really comes in handy

The other day I saw the product that I have been looking for en very urgent situations. I have 3 kids and I have experienced various times that we came short on diapers. Dad panics because he forgot to buy the diapers on his way home from work and realizes that it is late and outside normal retail opening hours. I have had to drive to nearly all gasoline quick shops in a radius of 20 kilometers from my home,  just to find out that they do not have diapers. It has resulted in bad standing in relation to my wife and very heavy diapers. To my relief I found out that this is all in the past - Libero has now introduced a 3 unit package in nearly all around the clock convenient shops - Thank you Libero for helping out dads in "need".

Friday, February 25, 2011

Optimaizing additional sales

Was store checking and on a wife expedition to purchase some ingredients for a chocolate cake. Went to the bakery section in my local supermarket where you had toppings, nuts, bake mixtures etc. - but NO chocolate. Here is a retail space that would generate a lot of sales for producers of dark chocolate for baking and other desserts.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Remember pricing and try to optimize end shelves

End space/shelves are ideal to use as they work very well visually when a a single product type is on display, this helps reducing the "noise" from other product offerings. A better job to generate attention to the shelf could though be done in the three cases bellow. This could be done via whoplers, shelf talkers or inspiring information leaflets.
The end shelves in ails offer a great opportunity for producers to get a unique position for their product. Still a lot of possibilities to generate more space in the market!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Always remember signing pricing

Was out purchasing Christmas gifts and found a big display with different gifts better signed then others. There was a stack of Armani bundles with different offers, but without any pricing. When I asked the assistant to help me out with the price she told me that it was preprinted on the back of the packaging. This is not the way to do it - you should always have clear pricing and least but not last you never want the price to be preprinted on a gift package. Armani should go home and look once again at their gift bundling packaging!

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