Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How a feast day can be a promoter for a specific food consumption pattern

San Juan Pueblo Feast Day is a day to honor St. John the Baptist. This is a strong tradition in Bolivia. Normally it falls the 23 of June and is celebrated in many countries as Midsummer Day. Strangely enough this date in Bolivia is equivalent to eating Hot-dogs with your family and friends. This is the peak season for all producers of sausages.
John was the cousin of Jesus and born in their old age to Zechariah and Elizabeth, a kinswoman of the Virgin Mary. Many hot dog historians suggest that today's hot dog on a bun was introduced during the St. Louis "Louisiana Purchase Exposition" in 1904 by Bavarian concessionaire, Anton Feuchtwanger. The Hot-dog tradition is therefore not a tradition that can be traced back to St. John the Baptist.
It is an interesting case of how a specific food pattern can be linked to a special occasion as for instance chocolate at mother’s day and alcoholic beverages for fathers day. 
All retailers and sales channels are promoting this feast day heavily with add on sales – Sausages-buns, ketchup etc… 

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