Saturday, October 30, 2010

Always be aware of your sales channels - It is not always the major hyper markets that sell huge volumes - The case of central de Abastos Mexico City

The central de abastos in Mexico is the biggest wholesale market in the world. It is an extremely big and confusing place to be, however the importance should not be neglected. Take a look at some of the figueres:

2.000 stores
Up to 1 million visitors per day
70.000 work in the central de abastos
Covers 304 hectares
Turnover 8 billion dollars
18-25.000 thousand tons of produce sold every day
Second most important economic operation after BMV (Bolsa Mexicana de valores)
Supplies 20 million of the Mexican population
3,5-5tons average weekly sales of 1 SKU of ham in one point of sales

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